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Personalized Partnership of Care

I have found that forming a partnership in care is different with each person. I would like to hear your story, your concerns, and get to know you. If you would like, I will artfully use a combination of genomics, functional medicine teachings, lifestyle interventions, empowerment of self – self intuition and wisdom healing, body and emotion awareness, mindfulness, meditation, sleep balance, hormone balance, movement balance, spiritual and energy balance, and self-compassion. I find these are powerful healing components for daily “practice”– for all human beings.  

As you might have already gathered, I am a lifelong learner who loves to read and attend educational conferences, workshops, and learning groups. I have been in practice and certified in family practice since 2004. During this time I’ve been honored to be involved in the lives of thousands of humans who have helped me learn a wealth of knowledge on women’s health/gynecology, postpartum support, hormone balance, trauma-informed care, family support, and much more! 

I will assess:

  • Environmental inputs 
    • The air you breathe and the water you drink, the particular diet you eat, the quality of the food available to you, your level of physical exercise, and toxic exposures or traumas you have experienced.
  • Mind-body elements  
    • Psychological, spiritual, and social factors all can have a profound influence on your health.
  • Genetic makeup 
    • Although individual genes may make you more susceptible to some diseases, your DNA is not an unchanging blueprint for your life. Emerging research shows that your genes may be influenced by everything in your environment as well as your experiences, attitudes, and beliefs. That means it is possible to change the way genes are activated and expressed - changing your genetic destiny!
  • Development of a “Personalized Lifestyle Plan”  
    • Mutually agreed upon personalized lifestyle plan to optimize your potential to thrive.

Gena will journey with you and support you as you learn the art of self-care. This includes self-compassion, mindfulness, boundaries, eating for wellness, falling in love with movement, and understanding the mind-body connection as it relates to really knowing your own inner world as a human being – so you can thrive on this planet!

I’d be honored to partner with you in your care – on this one wild and precious life journey you are living!